Maggie is fast approaching two and is the joy of my life. I've had three of my five miscarriages since she was born so the struggle isn't over, but I've come to appreciate how lucky I am.
I have what so many people want but never actually get - an incredible daughter, a loving fiancé and a supportive family that have shared and absorbed my pain where they could (thank-you all).
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-- There are only four major causes of miscarriage, and targeted questionnaires help each woman clarify whether she might be at higher risk in any of these areas.
Each cause is explained thoroughly but clearly, with the information and support women need to improve their chance of future successful pregnancy. This makes the book as relevant for women who have never even been pregnant as it is for women who have experienced miscarriage.
The book presents a detailed overview of miscarriage, dispels common myths, provides flow charts to help reveal the cause of any previous unexplained loss, and offers positive, practical options for action.
It is written from the patient's perspective, drawing on sympathetic case studies to introduce each chapter and presenting complex medical research in a way that is easy to understand. The reassuring and upbeat tone inspires a positive attitude, and the book enables each woman to identify the path that is right for her based on her unique personality and circumstances.

Click to order/for more info: Avoiding Miscarriage
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