Saturday, April 08, 2006

Four Babies After 11 Miscarriages

Imagine, after years of loss and sorrow, to end up with 4 babies at once! What are the astronomical odds that both the mom and surrogate would both be successful with twins!?

Four Babies After 11 Miscarriages – with the Help of a Friend

A woman who had to endure the pain of 11 miscarriages is finally about to become a mom – of four children! Tasha Riddle, 35, agreed to let her friend, Raquel Mitola, also 35, act as surrogate for her after previous attempts at becoming pregnant had resulted in 11 miscarriages for Riddle. In addition to having Mitola act as a surrogate, Riddle decided to try IVF one more time. Both women had eggs from Riddle, which had been fertilized by Riddle’s husband, implanted at the same time. However, doctors warned that they both had a low chance of becoming pregnant because of their age. Six weeks later, both women learned that they were not only pregnant, but both were carrying twins. Riddle, who is pregnant with twin girls, said: “We’ll probably never know why it worked this time.” Although both women are due on June 7th, they know that twin pregnancies generally do not go to term. “But we would like to be at each others’ [birth], if it doesn’t happen on the same day.” said Mitola, who is pregnant with a girl and a boy. As for how Riddle feels about getting four instead of one: “We were trying for one baby out of this, but now we are having four. We’re so very happy.”
Source: Catherine Elsworth,

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