Saturday, May 27, 2006

Babies into Retirement??

This would certainly be a different world - instead of unwanted, unplanned babies born to those who are really not ready for them - women waited till they were ready - financially, emotionally and life-style-wise.

Retirement Moms

DR. HOSSAIN FARID has a radical vision for the reproductive future of humans. Forget about having kids in your 20s or 30s. Within several generations, he says, our baby-making years will mesh with our retirement years. That means women in their 60s and 70s will be buying maternity clothes and planning baby showers.

"We'll have two separate lives. You'll go to school and work, retire at 55, and then have children," says Dr. Hossain Farid, a Professor of Animal Breeding and Genetics in the Department of Plant and Animal Sciences at Truro's Nova Scotia Agricultural College (NSAC).

Full article:

Do you have the genes to be a Superbreeder? So many say that it is almost impossible to get pregnant over 40, and yet women do it every day, around the world. I believe that this study proves that we are capable of having babies well into our forties, even fifties. Too bad so many women are convinced by society that it is unseemly and by their drs that it is impossible!
Study: Women Who Conceive After Age 45 Are 'Superbreeders'

Women who manage to conceive after the usual fertility age of late-30s carry special genes called "superbreeders", a study has found.

The study, presented yesterday at a European fertility conference in Copenhagen, reported that some women who find it easy to conceive after age 45 have a special genetic profile.

Scientists always suspected genes must help those rare "superbreeders" to defy the odds and get pregnant over and over again late in life. But "this is the first time it has been proven," said Dr. Hans Evers, former chairman of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, according to wire reports.

Full article:

Another explanation -- these women have more eggs to start out with and they work through their lifetime supply more slowly. Why does seem so hard to believe? Every one's body ages differently, some 20-year olds have the health of an elderly person, while some 80 year old's could beat anyone in a race!

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