Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

I came across a wonderful site, for babies that are stillborn. There is an incredible slideshow on their main page of samples of their work - beautiful photos to remember your baby. Photographers are available in both Canada and the US - and the service is free. I hope every hospital has this information on file, to help parents in their time of grief and loss.

What NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP can provide:

For Parents experiencing an infant loss, (as early as 20 weeks gestation) we can provide you with these heirloom memories of your precious baby. At your request, we will have a professional photographer come to your hospital location for a private and sensitive photography session. You will be provided with a DVD of your baby set to a meaningful melody and the CD file of all photographs taken that you can personally reproduce up to a 5X7 size. (please note: Each photographers offer varies location to location. Check listing photographer for what he/she can provide.)

NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
There are no fees for this service.

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