Monday, May 21, 2007

Creating Memories

After my 5th miscarriage, I felt the need to do something in remembrance of my babies lost. I had been reading several books on miscarriage and loss, and there were many suggestions.

Creating Memories - some ideas to create memories for your baby.

Memorial Items to Purchase - There are many ways to remember your precious baby so this is a list of items that would be suitable for someone who has lost a baby.

One thing I did, was to have a necklace created just for me. I went to the jewellers and had them create a necklace made from tiny baby rings. Each ring was engraved with the date of loss.

I thought it was interesting that the day I picked it up from the jewellers, and wore it for the first time, my youngest son was conceived. I fingered those baby rings often throughout my troublesome pregnancy. They gave me comfort as I worried and hoped we would make it at least one more day. Very few people knew what that necklace signified, but I wore it everyday.

I am so glad that I thought to take a picture of the necklace, because the summer my youngest turned 10, the necklace disappeared. Now, the above picture is all I have left. I was devastated to lose something that meant so much to me...

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