Wednesday, August 30, 2006

In 2003, 102,249 babies were born to women over 40 in the US - 5,769 were from donor egg

Anonymous said...
"In 2003, 102,249 babies were born to women over 40 in the US - 5,769 were from donor egg." Can you cite where that statistic comes from? Very curious, as I was told nowhere near that number of babies are born to women over 40.

Here's how I figured it out:

In 2003 there were 4,089,950 live births reported in the United States.


Of all live births in the United States during 2001-2003 (average), 2.5% were to women ages 40 and older.


So if in 2003 there were 4,089,950 live births, then 2.5% makes 102,249 babies born to women over 40.

And most of them were not conceived by donor egg. Donor Egg 2003 national statistics - unfortunately they lump them all together:

Total number of reporting clinics: 399

Donor Eggs: Fresh Embryos: All Ages Combined

Number of transfers: 8,970 Percentage of transfers resulting in live births: 50.8 (4,557 live births)

Donor Eggs: Frozen Embryos: All Ages Combined

Number of transfers: 4,026 Percentage of transfers resulting in live births: 30.1 (1,212 live births)


That's a total of 5,769 Donor Egg babies born in the US in 2003 to ANY AGE mother - compared to 102,249 babies born to women over 40.

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