Saturday, August 05, 2006

Miscarriage Poetry: They Say Love is Blind

They say love is blind and you made this true.
I never got to place you in a outfit either pink or blue.
Never rocked you in my arms as you quietly slept.
Not one tear did i get to dry as you sadly wept.

I loved you none the less with all of my heart.
My world crashing down when we were torn apart.
I dream of you wrapped in a blanket of a white angel wing.
The lullaby you hear is the comfort I wanted to bring.

I still hold you everyday the only way i know how.
God doesn't take my love for you this much he does allow.
It is as stong as it would have been if I would have seen you.
After my journey in life is done I will carry my love through.

It will carry me straight to you, you will never be hard to find.
We will be together and I will hold the love that was blind.
Looking into eyes that are mine that show a soul I made.
I will place you upon my chest where you always should have laid.

They say love is blind and you made this come true.
I will place you in an outfit either pink or blue.
I will rock you in my arms as you quietly sleep.
I will dry your tears as you happily weep.

Christine R. Sinkel
Jan. 20, 2001

(c) Christine Sinkel All Rights Reserved

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