Thursday, September 07, 2006

Mother's Milk Found to Be Potent Cocktail Of Hormones

I can't help wondering if one of the effects of formula-feeding might be connected to al lthe infertility we are seeing - perhaps without the correct hormones, at the correct time, women are not developing as they should - with long-term reproductive effects?

Published: May 24, 1994

In his own research, Dr. Frawley and his colleagues recently have discovered a new milk factor that they have named mammotrope differentiating peptide. Through test-tube experiments, they have shown that the peptide fosters the maturation of cells of the pituitary, a critical gland at the base of the brain that supplies many of the body's hormones. But the biologists have no idea how the peptide works or much else about it beyond the fact that it is small.

Already there are clues that the impact of gonadotropin releasing hormone in milk may resonate well into adulthood. Studying the effects of GnRH on the physiology of newborn rats, Dr. Sergio R. Ojeda, head of the neuroscience division at the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center in Beaverton, and his co-workers have learned that the hormone suppresses the premature development of the reproductive organs of females. Once ingested, the hormone fills in little docking sites studding a young rat's ovaries and keeps them from responding to competing signals in the body that might otherwise urge rapid maturation.

Full article:


  1. Interesting, of course my story is a bit different. We (my circle of six close girlfriends) were all formula fed, (according to our mothers) and all of us have at least two kids, some of us have three and I have four. No fertility issues for any of us.

  2. So does your antedote mean that it isn't possible for the lack of breastmilk to be part of the problem, or that you all were lucky?

    I was fed karo syrup and carnation milk, and despite having great difficulty hanging onto a pregnancy, I've never had any trouble getting pregnant.

    But I still think that it might be part of the problem for those that infertility does affect.


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