Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Infertility Diet: Get Pregnant and Prevent Miscarriage

Although nothing can guarantee a healthy pregnancy, women facing infertility may be able to make diet changes to help them get pregnant and prevent miscarriage. A new book called “The Infertility Diet: Get Pregnant and Prevent Miscarriage,” which is endorsed by the Harvard Book Review, explains the benefits of using the infertility diet to get pregnant and prevent miscarriage. Scientific studies support the idea that nutrition and diet are related to infertility, the ability to get pregnant, and prevent miscarriage. If infertility has been an issue for you, make diet changes now to increase your chances to get pregnant and prevent miscarriage!

A healthy diet to relieve infertility begins with a variety of foods. Different foods contain different vitamins and minerals that are required to increase your odds to get pregnant, and help to prevent miscarriage. Be sure to include fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and dairy products in your diet each day.

Many infertile women are too busy to maximize their diet for their baby’s health. If they realized that diet could play a role in helping them to get pregnant and prevent miscarriage, they would want to make changes, just like you!

Start to change your diet tomorrow with these simple steps:

- First, relax and realize that getting pregnant and preventing miscarriage are ultimately out of your control. You are just using the infertility diet to improve your odds!

- Next, try to eat at least five servings of brightly colored fruits and vegetables throughout the day, each and every day. Not only is this good for your baby, but the National Cancer Institute recommends it to reduce your own risk of cancer.

- Make sure that at least half of your servings of grain products are 100% whole grain. Whole grains have fiber and B vitamins like folic acid that are important to include in your infertility diet.

One important factor that makes it more difficult to get pregnant and prevent miscarriage is supplementation. The authors of “The Infertility Diet: Get Pregnant and Prevent Miscarriage” explain that large doses of vitamin pills such as vitamin C can actually increase your infertility and make it harder for you to get pregnant and prevent miscarriage. If you currently take an assortment of vitamin and mineral supplements, stop! This does not include any prenatal vitamins prescribed by your doctor, which may be important for your own, as well as the baby’s health.

If you struggle with infertility, try diet change as an alternative to expensive infertility treatments. The infertility diet just may help you to get pregnant and prevent miscarriage, and if not, you will at least personally enjoy better health and possibly a longer life. You have nothing to lose: start the infertility diet today to get pregnant and prevent miscarriage!

Article Tags: Pregnancy, Pregnancy Symptom, Pregnancy Calendar, Sign Of Pregnancy, Pregnancy Test, Pregnancy Calculator

Author: Milos

Source: Submit Articles at

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