Sunday, July 16, 2006

The children in my life

No babies to hold, but I thought I would share some pictures of my 18y old son, Josh and 7y old Chris.

This picture tugs at my heart. Although it's just a picture of Chris, playing at the beach - the symbolism feels so strong to me. A year ago he had a family - three half sisters and a mom & dad. Now his parents have split up, his mom has signed away her parental rights to his sisters to her previous ex-husband, and his dad is fighting for custody due to his mother's neglect. Chris must feel so alone in the world.

I was shocked when Chris told me for the first time this week, "I love you"!

Children should have wonderful memories growing up - so often children of broken families don't. Chris and an unknown boy at the beach helped build this wonderful "river" with dams at the beach. Chris wants to "live" at the beach, he had so much fun there that day, playing in the sand and skipping rocks with his dad.

Chris & Josh at the skate park - trying to outdo each other! I had more, but Blogger won't let me upload any more pictures right now...


  1. Skateboarding at 7?! That's amazing, but probably not as rare as I would think.

    I'm hitting another 1 year anniversary soon (blogging), and you're so right: a lot can change in a year.

  2. LOL - then you will be even more shocked to know that Chris has been skateboarding since he was 3y old!

    But then his uncle started riding a 2 wheel bike (no training wheels!) at 3y old, and his dad was riding a tricycle (yes, actually pedalling) at 1y old.

    The boys in his family have always shown early motor skills - with lots of death-defying accidents!!


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