Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Scarlet Rose Petals Story

Just thought I would update you on the scarlet rose petal story...

April 22/06 - Remember the story of the scarlet rose petals? Well, just a few minutes ago, the sea-shell that was holding them on my desk, just flew off the shelf and scattered rose petals all over my desk!! The window is closed, no-one was near the shelf, and I don’t think that there was an earth-quake! It was as if someone picked it up and threw it, the force and sound as it hit the desk was extreme.

July 22/06 - When we were at the Butterfly Release picnic, we were given an plastic butterfly in remembrance of our babies lost. I decided to place my butterfly on top of the seashell I had filled with scarlet rose petals which sat on my computer desk. The butterfly completely covered the petals, so I thought - this will stop the petals from flying around.

I was so sad about all our losses that day, I just didn’t believe that it mattered any more, no more petals would be flying around again. No more messages of hope, no more babies to hold...

The weather has been so warm here, and the windows have been open for several months. Today, as I sat down in my office chair to work on my computer, I was shocked to see something red on the carpet. I could not believe it! It was a rose petal!

I checked the seashell, and the butterfly had not moved. Then I looked around and found another rose petal on my desk! As I was trying to download the picture I took above, I found another rose petal on my file cabinet.

I wonder what the message is this time? Usually they appear when my period is due or has already arrived - but I haven’t even ovulated yet this cycle....

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